Clean biofuel production and phytoremediation solutions from contaminated lands worldwide

A global approach for recovery of arable land through improved phytoremediation coupled with advanced liquid biofuel production and climate friendly copper smelting process

The overall objective of the H2020 Phy2Climate project is to build the bridge between the phytoremediation of contaminated sites with the production of clean drop-in biofuels.


These biofuels will present no Land Use Change risks

thus the phytoremediation will decontaminate lands from a vast variety of pollutants


Make the restored lands available for agriculture

while improving the overall sustainability, legal frame, and economics of the process


Phy2Climate contributes to global initiatives

the Mission Innovation Challenge 4 and 16 UN Sustainable Development Goals



The method of phytoremediation consists of the use of plants and their associated microbes to stabilize, degrade, volatilize and extract soil pollutants.


The project is designed to bring the technological development on both phytoremediation and drop-in biofuel production to Technological Readiness Level (TRL) 5.


The TCR® process, which acts as enabling technology in the biorefinery, produces bio-coke and the three intermediate products: TCR®-oil, TCR®-gas and TCR®-aqueous phase.

Join Us for an Innovative Workshop on “Transforming Contaminated Land into Green Energy”!

This interactive event will take place online on September 26th from 8.30 to 12.30, CET, and aims to explore innovative approaches for rehabilitating contaminated land through phytoremediation, turning these sites into valuable assets for renewable energy production.